a brutal behind the scenes look at yahoo mail
My main e-mail address is no longer macnapper@yahoo.com, but I still check it once in awhile, just to keep it active in case I have any unknown accounts on that address. Sometimes, I find bizarre e-mails, like the ones in my Bulk folder from people with the following horrible spam names:
*Hake V. Recreated
*Theosophy C. Proportionally
*Iniquities V. Sherri
*Rosenquist Scheidegger
*Crinkled V. Indorsed
*Rivalries K. Compilation
*Grapple H. Disguising
*Camisole R. Kinswoman
*Winding F. Wedded
*Dibbled H. Gelding
*Colitis I. Axiomatic
*Praline I. Subjoin
*Categorization H. Ghastliness
*Reposeful V. Engulfs
*Deliquescent I. Cochlea
*Battleships G. Dullards
*Psyched O. Concessionaires
*Deification T. Gardener
*Subtracted V. Dexterously
*Texaco O. Attune
Even though I know they're just randomly generated, they still make me laugh. Of course there were also the very important e-mails from Sara Freder, one of those online gypsy horoscope salespeople, and the very important breakfast decision. I never realized the gravity of preferring one variety of Cheerios over another.
The Inbox wasn't actually much better. I deleted all but 5 e-mails, and combined with the bulk folder that's almost 2500 deleted mails. One of those five annoyed me a bit. Recently Dan posted this livejournal entry. I commented on AJ's comment, which was asinine as per usual, and he commented back something like "Learn to shut up" in response. I mentioned to Dan that he responded with another stupid comment, and Dan said that AJ was initially upset by my own comment. Feeling bad (but not too bad), I gave a friendly sort of response. A little later when I checked my inbox, I saw that he had initially posted another comment, "Die in a fire." This isn't visible in the entry comments, so I'm guessing Dan screened it. While I'm a bit annoyed by it, mostly I'm wondering... was he fucking serious? I mean, why would he comment that to me in the journal of my boyfriend of two years? I am supposing that Dan was RAGEFUL and defended my honor. :)
I'm going to go throw an unbirthday party for Categorization H. Ghastliness. Just me, the naked asian Cabbage Patch doll on the couch, and good ol' Categorization.
*Hake V. Recreated
*Theosophy C. Proportionally
*Iniquities V. Sherri
*Rosenquist Scheidegger
*Crinkled V. Indorsed
*Rivalries K. Compilation
*Grapple H. Disguising
*Camisole R. Kinswoman
*Winding F. Wedded
*Dibbled H. Gelding
*Colitis I. Axiomatic
*Praline I. Subjoin
*Categorization H. Ghastliness
*Reposeful V. Engulfs
*Deliquescent I. Cochlea
*Battleships G. Dullards
*Psyched O. Concessionaires
*Deification T. Gardener
*Subtracted V. Dexterously
*Texaco O. Attune
Even though I know they're just randomly generated, they still make me laugh. Of course there were also the very important e-mails from Sara Freder, one of those online gypsy horoscope salespeople, and the very important breakfast decision. I never realized the gravity of preferring one variety of Cheerios over another.
The Inbox wasn't actually much better. I deleted all but 5 e-mails, and combined with the bulk folder that's almost 2500 deleted mails. One of those five annoyed me a bit. Recently Dan posted this livejournal entry. I commented on AJ's comment, which was asinine as per usual, and he commented back something like "Learn to shut up" in response. I mentioned to Dan that he responded with another stupid comment, and Dan said that AJ was initially upset by my own comment. Feeling bad (but not too bad), I gave a friendly sort of response. A little later when I checked my inbox, I saw that he had initially posted another comment, "Die in a fire." This isn't visible in the entry comments, so I'm guessing Dan screened it. While I'm a bit annoyed by it, mostly I'm wondering... was he fucking serious? I mean, why would he comment that to me in the journal of my boyfriend of two years? I am supposing that Dan was RAGEFUL and defended my honor. :)
I'm going to go throw an unbirthday party for Categorization H. Ghastliness. Just me, the naked asian Cabbage Patch doll on the couch, and good ol' Categorization.